As a Rosicrucian I AM constantly reminded of the fact that the Rosicrucian is an evolving journey. In today’s world of information and mis-information I see on Social Media and the internet in general about individuals saying they have joined the Rosicrucians. To be honest with you no one can join the Rosicrucians. They must become Rosicrucian. It is a gradual and evolving process. Much like evolution itself. Always seeking...moving from a lower to a higher state in consciousness. A candidate cannot merely join the Rosicrucians or any organization for that matter and just become Rosicrucian. At best Rosicrucian organizations, can point you in the direction of the Rosicrucian—the process of becoming. I AM not here to debate the merits of one Rosicrucian organization or another. They no doubt have their positives and negatives. I initially became a member of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis in 1977. I AM forever grateful of receiving teachings from them. More importantly grateful for all the individuals that assisted me on my journey.

Again, I AM stating the case that the true Rosicrucian cannot not join an organization and miraculously become Rosicrucian. At most the organization can merely “cut the lights on for you”, in a darkened room. Then it is up to you to do the work (in the light). No one will do the work for you. This concept in itself naturally separates the true candidate from the not so serious seeker.

Who are the Rosicrucians. They true Rosicrucians are a body of men and women who have embraced the philosophy as a personal one and created their own destiny according to this philosophy that they embrace. Using the natural and Godly laws and principles. True Rosicrucians are generally “hidden in plain sight”. They are generally unassuming. Men and women who might be your neighbors, local business owners, church members and civic leaders. The true Rosicrucian is unassuming. He/She radiates a special vibration that befits their connection to the Godly forces of the Universe. Again, for the most part they are quiet and unassuming.

To this point many years ago, a close friend of mine who was Rosicrucian (I did not know at the time) had an individual who was always at his house when I came to visit. This individual, l an elderly figure always was in a meditational stupor when I was there. He never said anything or commented about anything, instead remaining in absolute silence. One day I said something that struck a cord and awoke him. He asked me a series of questions. At that point both my friend and his elderly colleague intimated to me that they were Rosicrucians, studying a higher knowledge of God’s laws and principles and invited me to consider doing the same. As fate would have it, the elderly man was a long-time Rosicrucian and my friend who as a Rosicrucian was learning from the gentleman. As fate would have it I begin this process of studying Rosicrucianism (philosophy) and the relationship changed for the 3 of us. It significantly altered my destiny and started me on this personal quest that continues to this day.

An initiate of the Rosicrucian ultimately becomes a candidate via a “Trial by Fire”. This trial is the accelerated process of dealing with life’s challenges on a day to day basis. What separates the initiate of the Rosicrucians to another individual is the amount of challenges and trials and tribulations that the candidate must endure; generally within a short period of time. It is because one’s evolution has accelerated to such an extent that this person may endure a normal lifetime of challenges in but a few years. We all know that God will only give you as much as one can handle. Therefore the true initiate, stands ready to greet such challenges head on. He/She is aware of the virtues and consequences of surmounting these challenges. There are inherent problems in this process however. As relationships go (spouse, family, friendships), the challenge becomes cultivating and maintaining a sense of balance. You might find that your evolutionary processes have moved to such an extent, that there are challenges and strains in maintaining quality relationships. This was intimated to me early as an initiate. Many years later I now bear witness to his after 2 marriages (not failed marriages) and many other relationships that have been transmuted during this journey. I don’t consider them failed relationships (marriage etc) rather transmuted—changed for the better despite the circumstances one is left with.

The modern history of the Rosicrucians (or the Rosy Cross) appeared in the 17th century in Europe. Prior to that Rosicrucians under various names and forms existed going back to ancient times. Mystery Schools in Egypt and elsewhere were hidden and often times higher places of learning where only the truly qualified and enlighten could petition for learning and study. During this time there was great change and upheaval as individuals and societies began movements regarding freedoms of religious, and spiritual expressions apart from the doctrines of the Church . A new spirit of independence was stirring in the societies of Germany, France and England. There was push back by the aristocracy and traditions of the Church most notably the Catholic Church. Many changes were taking place resulting in such major events as the 30 years War. This was a war that was fought to exert religious freedoms. Persecution was the order of the day. Anyone who challenged the Church did so at their own peril. Still there were brave men and women who dared to fight for the cause to religious freedoms.

Under these conditions there appeared in Germany in 1614, a mysterious document entitled the Fama Fraternitatis. It heralded a Christian Mystical Organization entitled the Rosicrucians. This mysterious document initially did not have an author. It was too dangerous to pen one’s name to it and openly challenged the Church during that time. This document moreover was addressed to the Learned and sympathetic clergy of the day. It was followed by the Confessio the following year, in 1615. While the Fama informed the learned public that the Rosicrucian Fraternity were here, the Confessio expressed how the Rosicrucian would conduct himself/herself in the spiritual and mystical sense. Further, it stated that the Rosicrucian have a profound and deeper Christian mystical enlightenment. Stating among other things an observation of God and nature and a belief in the Bible (Christian). The following year (1616) the Rosicrucian Fraternity put out a document called the Chymical Wedding. This document was written allegorically. It demonstrated a divine process taking place between a bride (initiate) and the bridegroom (Cosmic/God). This was touted as a wedding taking place with 7 steps toward enlightenment for the inner man.

Later, in the year 1621, mysterious posters began to appear in and around Paris touting the arrival of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross. These messages stated that the deputies of the Rosy Cross were now in Paris. Anyone seeking them, would not find them but if found worthy they would find you (the law of attraction). Thus the birth of the Rosicrucians spread throughout Europe and other lands. Francis Bacon a noted English philosopher and statesman had prophesize about the Rosicrucians. He foretold a “New Atlantis”. This land would be noted for its freedom of expression; particularly its religious and spiritual ideals. This land eventually became the United States of America. Many of the early founding fathers who played a major role in its early formation were Rosicrucians and Freemasons, including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson.


By Charles Shipp