The 77 commandments of MÂÂT
1 You will cause no suffering to humans
2 To satisfy your ambition, you will not intrigue
3 You shall not deprive a poor person of his subsistence.
4 You will not do acts condemned by the Gods
5 You will cause no pain to others
6 You shall not steal temple offerings
7 You will not steal the bread intended for the gods
8 You shall not steal the offerings intended for sanctified spirits
9 You will not commit any shameful act within the sacred precincts of the temples.
10 You won't fish against nature with someone like you
11 Thou shalt not take the milk from a child's mouth
12 You shall not fish using a fish as bait
13 You won't put out the fire when it should be burning
14 Thou shalt not break the meat offering laws
15 You will not take possession of the properties of temples and gods
16 You will not prevent a God from appearing
17 You won't cause the tears
18 Thou shalt make no disdainful signs
19 You will not get angry or, without cause, enter into an argument
20 You will not be impure
21 You will not refuse to listen to justice and truth
22 you shall not blaspheme
23 You won't lie, by a flood of words
24 You will not have contemptuous language
25 You shall not curse a deity
26 You will not cheat on the offerings made to the gods
27 You will not waste the offerings made to the dead
28 You will not take food from the children and you must never lie against the gods of the city
29 You shall not kill divine animals with evil intent
30 You won't cheat (you won't cheat)
31 You shall neither steal nor plunder
32 You won't steal
33 You won't kill
34 You will not destroy the offerings
35 Thou shalt not diminish the surveys (measurements)
36 You will not steal the properties belonging to the Gods
37 You won't lie
38 You will not steal food or treasures
39 You won't cause pain
40 You shall not fornicate with the fornicator
41 You will not act dishonestly
42 You shall not transgress
43 Thou shalt not act maliciously
44 You won't steal the land from the farmers
45 You won't reveal the secrets
46 You shall not court a married woman
47 You won't sleep with another wife
48 You will not cause terror
49 You won't rebel
50 You will not be the cause of anger or outbursts
51 Thou shalt not act insolently
52 You won't cause disputes (misunderstandings)
53 You won't misjudge (cheat) or you won't be hasty to judge
54 You won't be impatient
55 You shall not cause disease or injury
56 You won't curse a king
57 Thou shalt not muddy the water to drink
58 You shall not dispossess
59 You will not use violence against the family
60 You will not associate with violent people
61 You will not substitute injustice for justice
62 You won't commit crimes
63 You will not make others work harder for the same gain
64 Thou shalt not mistreat thy servants
65 You don't make a threat
66 Thou shalt not allow a master to mistreat a servant
67 Thou shalt not cause famine
68 You won't be angry
69 Thou shalt not kill or order murder
70 You will not commit abominable deeds
71 You will not commit treason
72 Thou shalt not attempt to increase thy domain by illegal means
73 Thou shalt not usurp the funds and property of others
74 Thou shalt not seize cattle in the prairies
75 You shall not ensnare the fowls destined for the gods
76 Thou shalt not obstruct the flow of water
77 You must not break the dams established for running water
Excerpt from the Papyrus D'Ani