Strange, we get depressed when faced with failure. I guess we forget that the Creator put the secrets to our success in the failures that we are depressed about. The secret of your success in life is to study your failures. We have been bred from birth to study other famous people successes. That will not help you much due to their path is different than your path. Besides that, famous people paths are usually paved for them, instead of them blazing their own trails. I suggest that you face your failures and fears. Contrary to popular belief, we are built by nature to do such a thing. We are design by our creator to face the obstacles in life and overcome them degree by degree. Do not avoid possible missteps. Rather, fear not learning from your temporary setbacks. I promise if you study your failures, they turn from failures into lessons. And, if you remember your lessons well, one day you will be self-made.
© Kevin Thomas, 2021
Becoming Rosicrucien
IAs a Rosicrucian I AM constantly reminded of the fact that the Rosicrucian is an evolving journey. In today’s world of information and mis-information I see on Social Media and the internet in general about individuals saying they have joined the Rosicrucians. To be honest with you no one can join the Rosicrucians. They must become Rosicrucian. It is a gradual and evolving process. Much like evolution itself. Always seeking...moving from a lower to a higher state in consciousness. A candidate cannot merely join the Rosicrucians or any organization for that matter and just become Rosicrucian. At best Rosicrucian organizations, can point you in the direction of the Rosicrucian—the process of becoming. I AM not here to debate the merits of one Rosicrucian organization or another. They no doubt have their positives and negatives. I initially became a member of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis in 1977. I AM forever grateful of receiving teachings from them. More importantly grateful for all the individuals that assisted me on my journey.
© Charles Shipp, January 2020
In today's society, capitalism is the underlying structure of how America works. It can be argued that because of capitalism, America became the most powerful country in the history of the world. So, capitalism definitely has its positives, but there is a blaring (often misunderstood) negative that I want to speak of today in regard to a country that runs off of capitalism for an extended period of time. This concern is not about capitalism, which means a country whose economy and political system is governed by wealth. This negativity is also not directed at the capitalist him/herself. By definition a capitalist is a person who owns and/or controls wealth. Nor is this about capital in and of itself, which means wealth. This is about the 90% of Americans who do not own or control Capital (wealth if you will). If you were to take a step back and take a hard sober look at the American society, you will see quite easily the strange relationship that the citizens of America have with the plutocrats (the wealthy who runs society). Just by me using the term plutocrats tells it all. The issue is America is run by the wealthy class. The citizens of America are like the bewildered herd, and the wealthy are the sheep herders...
The Big Question
My question today is how do you know you are in a good relationship? What I mean by relationship, is someone or something that you have allowed into your inner circle. Be it a spouse, a companion, your cellphone, or social media. There is a simple way to determine if a relationship is good for you. Look at the addition to your life and ask the simple question, am I progressing or retrogressing with this person, place or thing. Though this question is simple, it is difficult to arrive at an accurate answer. Reason being, nobody is going to lie to you, like you have the ability to lie to yourself. Even though this question is of the utmost importance, we will generally get in the way of the answer. The reason for this strange phenomenon is due to two things. We cannot properly grade relationships because of fear. This is the fear of loneliness and the fear of nonconformity. We constantly add people, places, and things to our inner circle because we do not want to be alone, and/or we do not want to be an outlier in our environment. You will never be able to solve the riddle of relationships if you fear standing alone and being yourself. © Kevin Thomas, 2021
FEAR NOT! The wheel of Time can never be stopped. The things buried by the wicked shall be unearthed and exposed at due time. Our Ancestors have always known this. That is why Patience, Resilience and endurance were their secrets powers! Many lies have been told about Africa during the time that I will call “Pre-covid” and especially since the end of World War 2 (that should be precisely called ... the Western War, to the same lodging as their first one, in 1914 ). At the end of that second Western War, one country was left standing and unscattered. that country was the United States of America.
© 2022 |
A BEE JOURNEY TO BEE MEDICINE Learning and ultimately writing about about Bee Medicine is a journey. In starting out on this journey is was not my intent to arrive where I AM now. Sometimes a journey can begin and end (or least be altered) in ways I would not have thought. We all have been in a situation where we started on a journey with a particular destination in mind only to have detours and other challenges that have come up to totally and forever alter our initial destination. Such has been my experience with bees and Beekeeping. Without going into too many details my journey begin in 1979 and 1980. During this time I was looking for a hobby that I could enjoy, relish and learn. I chose Beekeeping since I had always had a fascinating with insects and more particularly with honeybees. I started at the San Francisco Public Library and went and read every book on bees and beekeeping. This was in the fall and winter of 1979. By the spring of 1980, I now felt ready to take the plunge into beekeeping—-from theory to practice. Where would I go? Who could help me? And more importantly how would I start. One must remember that 1979, was a pre internet and social media era. Just thinking about this makes me feel so old—-a pre internet era? Certainly in today’s world this is hard to believe. Don’t we now feel that the internet has been in existence since the dawn of human kind?...
The Mythical “Vibranium” - The DIVINE MELANIN by Jean-Pierre Sighe As the world goes through some very spectacular changes of a tectonic proportions, the Cosmic Forces are revealing to those who are in synch with Creation, the inevitable path for the future. It is indeed clear. A New World is birthing out and the old, corrupted, out-of-alignment is resisting the change. It does not and will not matter how vigorously this old irrelevant world resists. It will be replaced. At what pace?... Only the Creator knows! One remarkable phenomenon manifested, is the Power of the Divine Melanin, all over this planet. Let’s pause and contemplate the self-evident truth that some have tried to bury for some time. In their ignorance, they actually thought they would be in control of the deployment of Life itself on this planet. The major detail that they were incapable of seeing is the following:
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