The Mythical “Vibranium” - The DIVINE MELANIN


by Jean-Pierre Sighe

As the world goes through some very spectacular changes of a tectonic proportions, the Cosmic Forces are revealing to those who are in synch with Creation, the inevitable path for the future. It is indeed clear. A New World is birthing out and the old, corrupted, out-of-alignment is resisting the change. It does not and will not matter how vigorously this old irrelevant world resists. It will be replaced. At what pace?... Only the Creator knows!

One remarkable phenomenon manifested, is the Power of the Divine Melanin, all over this planet. Let’s pause and contemplate the self-evident truth that some have tried to bury for some time. In their ignorance, they actually thought they would be in control of the deployment of Life itself on this planet. The major detail that they were incapable of seeing is the following:
The Creator-of ALL-Things had decreed that the Melanated People would be the most complete creatures chosen to develop and expand the Human experience on this planet; wouldn’t it be normal for the Creator to embed in these Primordial Humans, a distinct characteristic that would be Unique... Unmistakable and easily recognizable?

That is precisely what was done. By God’s Decree, the Melanated People on earth became the repository of the very secret of Human experience on the planet. They were trampled into the mythical “Vibranium”, so that they would efficiently carry the alchemical ingredients in them, at all time and day.
However, that gift came with the responsibility on the bearers, to ALWAYS honor, use and defend their multiple abilities, be it in Science, Mathematics, Philosophy or Arts.
For over 200,000 years, the Melanated People lived by themselves, setting up the foundation and the major paths of life for Humanity.

Then, the created Being, imperfect by definition, misused the power bestowed upon him... The Cosmic Law of Harmonization, Equilibrium and Compensation, that governs the Cosmos, set out to reset everything; it happened, to the great suffering of the Chosen Sons and Daughters of God who had been the Light on earth. That reset was not meant to punish, but rather, to re-establish the Harmony that had been tampered with, under the stewardship of these Chosen Ones, that we are. We lost the sense of who we were; we were taken into servitude and terrible crimes were perpetrated against us. It was allowed to happen. But why?

There must be a good and just reason. The Creator does not contradict the Laws set in motion to govern the universe. The elder of the children assumes that title of the elder, for good reasons.

For, the time will come when the Creator will ask two questions of each of us, the Melanated Ones :
1- Given that I gave you ultimate responsibility to commence the Human experience on this planet. Given also that I permitted a whole new race of Humans to be birthed by you. Where do you think the new race learned the cruelty it inflicted upon you, after you went to sleep?

2- The corollary question will be : when the evil things started happening, where were you? Why didn’t you rise to stop it, in your role of the Elder?

To those two question, we would have no good answers!

It is my profound conviction that, oncef upon a time, after birthing our first Albino, we were shocked! We had never seen anything event like that before, for such a long time of our living by ourselves on the planet. We panicked! Some of us believed it was a curse. Little by little, we started hating that Albino and soon after, all the other Albinos that came to life through our channel. We might have killed or tortured them... even sacrificing them.
They ran away... from the hot place so hostile to them, because of the sun in the first place and now from the people who were dangerous to their lives. They migrated to the colder regions and there, they multiplied and became the “White” race.
Today, they still carry at the cellular level the terrifying fear of a Melanated person.
Lacking resources, they came back to the land of their generators, as they remember it to be very abundant in food and other resources. They came back with the intention to defeat us...
The Prophets came along and explained profusely, what has been going on. They also taught how to maintain the “Flame of Hope”. They taught how to BE with whatever was being put in motion by the Creator. They taught to never ... never doubt about the mercifulness of the Creator.
We went through it. We are beginning to emerge out of it. The Mythical “Vibranium” is doing its magical invocation, calling on mysterious Forces, to help further the collective consciousness of the Chosen Ones, to reassume, fully, the stewardship, as initially intended by the Creator. That is, with Love, Tolerance and Harmony!

At this present time, everywhere on the planet, the Melanated People are standing up, they are rising. With the Magisterium of the Word, they are defeating the obscure secondary forces that had taken over the world, fomenting wars, deceptions, lies, misery.
In Africa, unimaginable facts are coming to manifestation. One of them is the creation of the Liptako-Gourma, the Alliance of the Sahel States. It is taking everyone by surprise. Africans on their continent have demonstrated their ability to chase out of their land the colonial forces that had been looting and brutalizing their populations for many centuries. They are doing it without shooting a gun. They are thus, demonstrating the ascendance they have been bestowed with, by God’s decree.
The other area on earth where the mythical “Vibranium” is manifesting its full power, is in the United States. The unresolved matter of Reparations for the descendants of African-Americans that were enslaved and brutalized since 1619!
These human beings had worked very... very hard hard but never got paid. That is unjust. That is a sin. The “filthy beast” has been going about its business, as if nothing ever happen to compensate for that despicable cruel crime.
Well... the Mythical Vibranium” is in vibration. All the Melanated People of this planet will vibrate in stronger unission to DEMAND that the “filthy beast” pay earned Reparations to the descendants of the enslaved People brought up here in chains. It WILL PAY!

The effects of vibrating in tune with another entity

The best illustration of that phenomenon of Physics can be done with the simple instrument of a guitar. When one pulls and releases a string of a guitar, in such a way that it vibrates, the other strings, untouched, begin immediately to vibrate at their respective notes, to the string that was activated. This phenomenon is well known by musicians and especially guitar players. It is truly a marvelous thing to witness and to ponder upon.
The same way, as the New World is being birthed, the activated Melanated People of the world are vibrating to one another. Every individual is vibrating, to his / her own note and frequency, generating the mystical Music of the Spheres, that will be directed in many ways, to manifest desired goals. This time, these goals will be more guided by the preservation of Humanity. We are the Guardians of Humanity! We understand our roles, far better than before. We have learned our lesson. That is why, the overwhelming majority of Melanated People are not seeking revenge for all the horrors that were perpetrated against them.
We are... Peaceful Melanated People! We Love Humanity in all its variations! Let’s help precipitate the Divine Magic of the Creator!

© February 2024