The stated mission of the Melanated Metaphysical Organisation is to help those seekers in the pursuit of the discovering Self. This is a process of "inner unfoldment" and works from an inner to outer process of "self transformation". Applying practices in accordance with Universal and Spiritual Laws, our organisation will assist the seeker to navigate his/her best course of action. It is paramount that we learn the Universe and its structure and system. In this way, we can further harmonize with it. As it is known that the Universe in Man and Woman is a Microcosm of the greater Universe- the Macrocosm. |
Creation is not and has never been completed. Creation IS being continued as we speak and read. Therefore, a Creator...The Creator IS, for, there could not be a Creation without a Creator. An orderly Creation could not and cannot emerge from a chaotic and disorganized paradigm. Many things and concepts taught in a recent past, that is, the last four to seven hundred years, will be revised and corrected, as the new era , the Spices Era, settles in deeper and deeper. A better understanding of the mystical nature of the Cosmos will ensue, thus allowing a better understanding of WHO WE ARE, as human beings populating this marvelous spaceship we call Planet Earth. One of the most mysterious elements of Creation to meditate upon, is the Divine Melanin. Speculations abound about what it actually is. Scientists in the Western world have been quick to define its “primary function as a pigment protecting from the ultra-violets rays of the sun”. Anyone versed in meditation and contemplation will realize this could not be the primary function of such a complex substance in Creation. “The Creator of All Things... God...Allah...Zambe... etc” does not waste energy. Everywhere in Creation, the Principle of Conservation of Matter and Energy is replicated. This Law permeates all aspects of Creation. In other words, a simpler substance or structure would have been created to accommodate that basic function of preserving the body of humans from the ultra-violet exposures from the sun. Wisdom recommends we search for a deeper definition of what the Divine Melanin is, or could be. The people of the African continent have demonstrated some of the properties of the Divine Melanin, more than once. The latest demonstration has occurred during the Covid 19 event. Millions were predicted to die on the African continent. The outcome has been rather false, leaving Western scientists scratching their heads, perplexed. Before that, there was the Ebola event and prior to that obviously, the AIDS event. Did some people die?... yes of course, some people did lose their lives. However, The truth to be told is that, people quickly developed anti-bodies. A mysterious Psychic-Electro-Magnetic substance was developed in the population, creating a herd immunity, thus saving many lives. The Western scientists were confused since they had expected a highest degree of mortality to occur. Other researchers have expressed the fact that the Divine Melanin is present in animals, plants, every human being on the planet, regardless of the ethnicity factor. This is true and is in accordance with the way Nature is set. While recognizing this pervasion of the Divine Melanin in Creation, one must also acknowledge that the flowing of the Divine Melanin is not equally distributed. As students of the mysteries, we must quickly remember that nothing happens at random; that coincidences do not exist. Therefore, there must be a good reason for “The Creator of All Things... God...Allah...Zambe... etc” to have ordered things to be what they are. Therefore, the creatures who carry more of the Divine Melanin, are meant to accomplish certain functions in the Creation (that is STILL happening... It is worth repeating). Therefore the abundance of the Divine Melanin in those who carry it, COULD NOT BE A CURSE of any kind. Therefore, the Creature upon whom such abundance of the Divine Melanin has been bestowed, must understand that a GIFT has been given to him / her... by a Cosmic Decree! Some attempts have been conducted, over the recent centuries, to indoctrinate people of heavy melanated complexion into a mental self-poisoning. Clever explanations were used to activate that self-poisoning. It is true that in the realm of colors, black color “absorbs” ALL the other colors, whereas, white color “reflects” All the other colors. The conclusion was quickly drawn by those who chose to declare their bias, that: “therefore black is not a color”. The goal appears to induce the Divinely Melanated People into believing that the Divine Melanin is attached to some sort of negativity. Churches have amplified that terrible thought, going as far as equating the abundance of the Divine Melanin to... a curse. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Divine Melanin is actually...A GIFT! It is a direct link and continuum throughout Creation. It is everywhere in the Cosmos. It is the Matter without which the manifestation of the planets and galaxies could not be possible. It is the Divine reflection upon which “The Creator of All Things... God...Allah...Zambe... etc” projected the Light. The Law of Correspondence allows us to see how from the macrocosmic plane to the microcosmic, the Divine Melanin infuses the Creation and perpetuates that initial Ordo Novum put in motion. It is the mystical etherical substance that contains in its sea-like nature all manifestations. It is similar to a bridge between the immaterial and the material Planes. It permits to us to actually use our ability to conceive , nurture and project into manifestation, the same way “The Creator of All Things... God...Allah...Zambe... etc”...does. There is no bigger act of Love than that one given to us. To those who have learned how to awaken the Cosmic Consciousness in their individual Temples, it is the substance that allows to partake in the Work of Creation. The Melanated Metaphysical Organisation is taking on the duty to reveal to the world the truth about the Divine Melanin In these times when the world is entering a permanent shift in Consciousness, that is irreversible, it behooves all good-willed people to tell the truth, proclaim it with no hesitation; proclaim the truth about the Sacred Melanin, to eradicate the lies and misconstructions propagated. The planet is vibrating to the Divine Melanin The Inner connectivity to the frequency has augmented. We are bearing witness to the global connection of all the diasporas of the Melanated People throughout all the continents. Conscientious people are aware of this phenomenon. No need to be a clairvoyant to feel it. This era was heralded and looked upon as the time when Humanity is healing. Just like “The Creator of All Things.... God...Allah...Zambe... etc” ordered the Divinely Melanated People to initialize Humanity on this Planet, the order is in manifestation to Heal the Planet. Time is NOW to vibrate to the level of that order and make it ours, in the long lineage of the Ancestors who implemented the Human experience of this planet for over 200,000 years before any change or alteration occurred. We carry that Divine Melanin for a reason! Whatever our circumstance may be, wherever we are, let’s raise our personal vibration to that planetary frequency that we can visualize in the scared... OM.
By Jean-Pierre Sighe © March 18, 2022
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