

The stated mission of the Melanated Metaphysical Organisation is to help those seekers in the pursuit of the discovering Self. This is a process of "inner unfoldment" and works from an inner to outer process of "self transformation". Applying practices in accordance with Universal and Spiritual Laws, our organisation will assist the seeker to navigate his/her best course of action.

It is paramount that we learn the Universe and its structure and system. In this way, we can further harmonize with it. As it is known that the Universe in Man and Woman is a Microcosm of the greater Universe- the Macrocosm.






Man shall not live by bread alone


In my continuing Health Blog Series I wanted to approach the very mystical and profound spiritual biblical precept:

“Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out the mouth of GOD” -Matthew 4:4

Besides it being one of my most favorite bible passages it carries physical and spiritual connotations for all who wish to delve within its deeper inner meaning. Someone told me a long time ago that all truths are hidden within the Holy Bible. As I have matured spiritually I have come to see this so. One of my early teachers stated that the Holy Bible can be interpreted on at least 3 levels: the lay person who can grasp its literal and intellectual meaning; the conscious or enlightened individual, who can perceived a bit deeper in it’s meaning, and the Adept. The latter internalizes these great external truths and therefore can extract the powers of the spiritual laws within the Bible. There are few who fit this final category.

When Jesus stated that “Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone”, he was stating that there was something more that sustains the physical body. Another great biblical clue was in Genesis that stated when Man was created he became a “living soul” only when the first breath of life entered his nostrils. Only then did he subsequently became a living soul. We live on the physical plane (the Material World) and because of it there is great emphasizes there. Consider that just on a scientific level a human can survive for weeks without food. He or She can go a limited number of days without water (one of the primary earthly elements and only minutes without oxygen. This oxygen gives life to all living things. It is as if we are all living in this living matrix that gives us life. No, man cannot live by bread alone, but on every word (breath, spirit, life force or what else one may want to call it) that comes out of the mouth of God.

If this was taken to heart human kind would approach life in a more harmonic and natural way. For example, with this knowledge no one would compromise their organs (lungs) that synthesizes this life sustaining properties. Smoking of any kind that damages the air pockets and cells of the lungs would not be given a second thought—whether that be marijuana, cigarettes, or any tobacco products or herbal products.

Therefore it is apparent that Man has at least 2 parts to his diet. One originates in heaven (breath) and one on Earth (Food and Water). Again, Jesus stated that Man does not live by bread alone. This is in essence a great spiritual law. In today’s world how very few individuals embraced this very important but ancient law. Certainly, if this law was more adequately utilized the medical establishment would use this as a premise to treat chronic and degenerative conditions. With physical medicines and therapies; would not the doctors and health care practitioners be treating merely one aspect of our being—the physical? If they choose to use the law and treated the spiritual, one could argue that medical treatment could be a lot more comprehensive and effective . Consider that Traditional Chinese Medicine or Indian Ayurveda Medicine use a most holistic approach of mind, body and spirit. This is more in accordance with the spiritual law that Jesus taught.

Now is the time for traditional Western Allopathic Medicine to come out of the dark ages and embrace this Spiritual precept in Matthew 4:4. Many additional lives could be saved by doing so. On a more personal note, one can bring their life in accordance with this Spiritual truth with great effectiveness and joy.


By Charles Shipp

© 2022






by Jean-Pierre Sighe  


The word Metaphysics (beyond, above- physics) calls forth Ancient Traditions, Philosophy, Alchemy and so forth. Many good discourses abound to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of the seeker of Light. Indulging in metaphysical research has always been the quest for a brighter Light projected on the mysteries of Life and most importantly, the quest for the Mastery of Life. In other words, becoming a Light seeker, meant becoming an ardent student of the Mysteries of Life, in order to elevate, harmonize one’s personal life to the Creator of ALL things. Mankind had observed, many millennia before, the existence of two planes: the visible and the invisible (meaning, invisible...yet very tangible).

If these two planes existed and seemed to harmonically interact with each other, it became self-evident to the created (the Humans) to understand as much as possible, both planes, in order to live in harmony with them. Thus started the discoveries of the Laws by with both Planes operate. It would be of no benefit to indulge in studying the Mysteries if the net result of the efforts would simply amount to an intellectual exercise.

It is here, important to remember that OUR Ancestors were the Melanated People. They lived on this planet for over 200,000 years by themselves. They logically are the ones who observed, meditated, contemplated the Creation and became aware of the existence of the Planes aforementioned. The quest for enlightenment through the mystical process was revealed to them. They accepted it with a profound respect and humility. They put in practice what was taught to them (downloaded to them)... the first Schools of Mysteries were started.


Living in harmony - deep harmony - with Nature was their modus vivendi. Mastering their understanding of the Laws governing Creation was their modus operandi. The knowledge acquired became the secret ingredients to master their lives during the incarnation. Glorious endeavor! That knowledge will permeate all the layers of the incarnation. No aspect was left out. Eating... drinking...playing...praying...having social interactions...indulging in Love making...etc everything had to be done under the auspices of the Laws governing everything. It is in that , that OUR Ancestors were and remain, TRUE Masters!


We intend in this space you are visiting, to present to your attention the continuation of that Tradition, in respect to OUR Sacred lineage to OUR Ancestors. Who we are, must be tangible in our:

- Nutrition

- Business and Financial Affairs

- Social Life

- Humanity


We have organized these domains in fascicles that we want, practical. We hope that the visitor will take them on. We know that if they do so, they will INEVITABLY...AUTOMATICALLY, activate the vibrational link that calls fort OUR Ancestors, who will guide them in their journey. It is a Law by itself: Knock and the door shall be opened!


Peace be upon you!

We wish you a blessed journey as you follow us in the next pages:

- Metaphysics in Nutrition

- Metaphysics in Business and Finances

- Metaphysics in Social Life

- Metaphysics in Humanity


© June 2022


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